
2023年03月10日 16:17 











(2)2018年获得上海纽约大学物理学科学生研究奖学金(Student Research Program in Physics with scholarship,NYU Shanghai)

(3)2017年获得AMD研究生研究竞赛奖(AMD Graduate research competitition Priza)

(4)2014年至2018年获得新加坡教育部博士全额奖学金(SUTD president graduate fellowship)




(1) Carbon、journal of physics D: applied physics、SN Applied Sciences、journal of optics、JOSA B、New journal of Physics、Optics Letters、frontier in physics杂志审稿人。

(2) 2022年Frontiers in Communications and Networks邀请编辑(guest editor)



Group members:

Master students: Ms. Weifang Yang (main advisor: Prof. Wentao Zhang); Mr. Xiaoyuan Hao (main advisor: Prof. Wentao Zhang)

Mr. Songyi Liu; Ms. Mai Liu

Ms. Shiting Cao; Ms. Jiahe Yu; Ms. Dan Liu



Under review

35.Shan Yin, Dehui Zeng, Yuting Chen,Wei Huang (通信作者), Cheng Zhang, Wentao Zhang, Yiwen E. "Optically Controlled Terahertz Dynamic Beam Splitter with Adjustable Split Ratio". under review (2022).

34.Chen Yun,Wei Huang (通信作者), Kelvin Ooi, Wentao Zhang. "Robust and broadband graphene surface plasmon waveguide coupler via quantum control". under review (2022).

33. SHAN YIN, DEHUI ZENG, MINGKUN ZHANG, XINTONG SHI, YUANHAO LANG,WEI HUANG (通信作者), WENTAO ZHANG AND JIAGUANG HAN. "Phase mismatch induced suppression of eigenmode resonance in terahertz metamaterials". under review (2022).

32. Xinwei Du, Yangfan Xu,Wei Huang (通信作者), and Changyuan Yu. "Dynamic Joint Frequency Offset and Phase Noise Tracking by Number-Theoretic Net-Based Gaussian Particle Filter in Coherent Optical Systems". under review (2022).

31.Wei Huang, Songyi Liu, Jiaguang Han, Shan Yin, and Wentao Zhang, "Terahertz quasi-bound states in the continuum with heterogeneous metasurfaces", under review (2021).

30.Wei Huang, Songyi Liu, Shiting Cao, Wentao Zhang, and Andon Rangelov, "Wireless energy grid employed by quantum engineering", under review (2021).

29.Wei Huang, Wentao Zhang and Chu Guo, "Population transfer under local dephasing", under review (2021).

28. Peng Zhong, Shan Yin,Wei Huang(通信作者), Yuanda Liang, Yuping Yang, Wentao Zhang, "Multifunctional quad-band perfect absorber with independent frequency and amplitude modulations". (2020) under review.

27.Wei Huang, Erxiang Dong, Yu Cheng, Songyi Liu, Shijun Liang, Yuping Yang, Shan Yin, Wentao Zhang. "Electronic controllable broadband and robust terahertz surface plasmon-polaritons switch based on hybrid ITO waveguide coupler". (2020) under review.


26. Yuting Zhang, Songyi Liu,Wei Huang (通信作者), Erxiang Dong, Hongyang Li, Xintong Shi, Meng Liu, Wentao Zhang, Shan Yin and Zhongyue Luo. "Photo-excited plasmon-induced transparency effect in hybrid terahertz metamaterials". accepted byChinese physics B(2022).

25.Wei Huang, Songyi Liu, Chu Guo, Shiting Cao, Shan Yin, Xinwei Du and Wentao Zhang, "Quantum master equation for coupling mechanism of metamaterial", accepted byResults in Physics(2022).


24. Yuting Zhang, Xiaoyuan Hao,Wei Huang (通信作者), Wentao Zhang and Jiaqi Wang, "Accurate Temperature Control of Active Terahertz Functional Devices via Micro-Hotplate System", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics55 (13), 135108 (2021).

23.Wei Huang, Weifang Yang, Yu Cheng, Shan Yin and Wentao Zhang. "Adiabatic following of terahertz surface plasmon-polaritons coupler via two waveguides structure", Results in Physics31, 104985 (2021).

22.Wei Huang, Songyi Liu, Jiaguang Han, Shan Yin and Wentao Zhang. "Universal coupled theory for metamaterial Bound states in the continuum",New Journal of physics23, 093017 (2021).

21. Xianming Xiong, Yangyang Tian,Wei Huang (通信作者), Yu Cheng, Shan Yin, Yuanda Liang, Wentao Zhang, "High focusing efficiency terahertz lens based on Huygens metasurface,"jounal of nanophotonics15(2), 026011 (2021).

20. Junhua Liu,, Kwan Hui Lim, Kristin L. Wood,Wei Huang, Chu Guo, and He-Liang Huang. "Hybrid Quantum-Classical Convolutional Neural Networks."SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy64 (2021) 1.

19.Wei Huang, Mai Liu, Weifang Yang, Yu Cheng, Shan Yin and Wentao Zhang, "Broadband terahertz surface plasmon-polaritons beam splitter",EPL (EUROPHYSLETT)134, (2021) 54001.

18.Wei Huang, Xiaoyuan Hao, Yu Cheng, Shan Yin, Jiaguang Han, and Wentao Zhang, "Broadband terahertz half-wave plate with multi-layers metamaterial via quantum engineering".IEEE journal of lightwave technology27, 20001255 (2021).

17. Shan Yin, Yuanda Liang, Yangyang Tian, Peng Zhong, Dehui Zeng, Ling Guo,Wei Huang (通信作者), Wentao Zhang, "Dynamic switching of coaxal focus based on terahertz meta-lens".Applied optics60 (2021) 3629.


16. Wentao Zhang, Hongyang Li, Shan Yin,Wei Huang (通信作者), Xintong Shi, Yuting Zhang. "Active thermal modulation of electromagnetically induced transparent at THz frequencies".Optical Engineering59, (2020) 127111.

15.Wei Huang, Ziming Wei, Benying Tan, Shan Yin, Wentao Zhang. "Inverse engineering of electromagnetically induced transparency in terahertz metamaterial via deep learning".Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics54, (2021) 135102.

14.Wei Huang, Baohua Zhu, Wei Wu, Shan Yin, Wentao Zhang, Chu Guo. "Population transfer via a finite temperature state".Physical Review A102, (2020) 043714.

13.Wei Huang, Xiaowei Qu, Shan Yin, Muhammad Zubair, Chu Guo, Xianming Xiong and Wentao Zhang, "Long distance adiabatic wireless energy transfer via multiple coils coupling".Results in Physics19 (2020): 103478.

12. Muhammad Abbas, Amna Zubair, Kashif Riaz,Wei Huang, Jing Hua Teng, Muhammad Mehmood, and Muhammad Zubair. "Engineering multimodal dielectric resonance of TiO2 based nanostructures for high-performance refractive index sensing applications".Optics express28, no.16 (2020): 23509.

11.Wei Huang, Yun Chen, Xiaowei Qu, Shan Yin, Xintong Shi, Xianming Xiong, Wentao Zhang, Zujun Qin, and Yuting Zhang. "Complete and robust light transfer in three-waveguide coupler by shortcut to adiabaticity".AIP Advances10, (2020): 095104.

10.Wei Huang, Xiaowei Qu, Shan Yin, Muhammad Zubair, Mingrui Yuan, Wentao Zhang, and Jiaguang Han. "Quantum Engineering Enables Broadband and Robust Terahertz Surface Plasmon-Polaritons Coupler."IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics27 8400107 (2021).


9.Wei Huang, Shan Yin, Baohua Zhu, Wentao Zhang, and Chu Guo. "Population transfer via a dissipative structural continuum."Physical Review A100, no. 6 (2019): 063430.

8. Shan Yin, Xintong Shi,Wei Huang(通信作者), Wentao Zhang, Fangrong Hu, Zujun Qin, and Xianming Xiong. "Two-Bit Terahertz Encoder Realized by Graphene-Based Metamaterials."Electronics8, no. 12 (2019): 1528.

7.Wei Huang, Lay-Kee Ang, and Elica Kyoseva. "Shortcut to adiabatic light transfer in waveguide couplers with a sign flip in the phase mismatch."Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics53, no. 3 (2019): 035104.

6.Wei Huang, Shan Yin, Wentao Zhang, Kaili Wang, Yuting Zhang, and Jiaguang Han. "Robust and broadband integrated terahertz coupler conducted with adiabatic following."New Journal of Physics21, no. 11 (2019): 113004.

2014 - 2018 During my Phd

5.Wei Huang, Shi-Jun Liang, Elica Kyoseva, and Lay Kee Ang. "A new coupling mechanism between two graphene electron waveguides for ultrafast switching."Semiconductor Science and Technology33, no. 3 (2018): 035014.

4.Wei Huang,Shi-Jun Liang, Elica Kyoseva, and Lay Kee Ang. "Adiabatic control of surface plasmon-polaritons in a 3-layers graphene curved configuration."Carbon127 (2018): 187-192.

3.Wei Huang, Bruce W. Shore, Andon Rangelov, and Elica Kyoseva. "Adiabatic following for a three-state quantum system."Optics Communications382 (2017): 196-200.

2. Emiliya Dimova,Wei Huang, George Popkirov, Andon Rangelov, and Elica Kyoseva. "Broadband and ultra-broadband modular half-wave plates."Optics Communications366 (2016): 382-385.

1.Wei Huang, Andon A. Rangelov, and Elica Kyoseva. "Complete achromatic optical switching between two waveguides with a sign flip of the phase mismatch."Physical Review A90, no. 5 (2014): 053837.


Full publication list see my researchgate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wei_Huang210


