
  2022-02-27   点击:[1555]







1. 热爱生活,勤奋刻苦,有较强的进取心,愿意自我驱动提升,能静心、潜心科研,尊重自己和他人的劳动,不想浪费青春混文凭;

2. 逻辑思维较强,英语能力较强,至少要通过英语四级;

3. 学过机械工程材料(或金属学与热处理)、理论力学、半导体物理等课程中的部分课程或相近课程;

4. 愿意与导师多交流,共同探讨并解决面向工程的学术问题、推进科学研究进展,一同践行“知行合一、厚积薄发;德艺双修,独立自由”的科研理念。



1. 2012.09 - 2017.12,华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,硕-博连读/博士,导师:张新平 教授

2. 2017.05 - 2017.11,拉夫堡大学,机械、电气与制造工程学院,访问博士生,合作导师:Prof. Changqing Liu

3. 2008.09 - 2012.06,重庆科技学院,冶金与材料工程学院,本科/学士


1. 2019.12 - 至今,leyu乐鱼(中国)官方网站,机电工程学院,副研究员

2. 2019.06 - 至今,leyu乐鱼(中国)官方网站,机电工程学院,硕士研究生导师

3. 2017.12 - 2019.12,leyu乐鱼(中国)官方网站,机电工程学院,讲师



1. 2021年第22届电子封装技术国际会议(ICEPT)最佳学生论文奖/Best Student Paper Award;

2. 2020年第21届电子封装技术国际会议(ICEPT)最佳学生论文奖/ICEPT Best Student Paper Award (2nd place)

3. 2017年第18届电子封装技术国际会议(ICEPT)杰出论文奖/Outstanding Paper Award;

4. 2016年华南理工大学秋季优秀博士学位论文创新基金三等奖资助;

5. 2015年第16届电子封装技术国际会议(ICEPT)最佳学生论文奖/Cisco & ASE Best Student Paper Award;

6. 2015年金属材料系博士研究生学术竞赛,口头报告一等奖;

7. 2014年金属材料系博士研究生学术竞赛,口头报告三等奖。


1. 2021年“本科课堂教学质量优秀奖”——“创新教学奖”一等奖

2. 2021年校第二届教师板书设计比赛二等奖

3. 2021年校第二届优秀教学课件评选优秀奖

3. 2021年leyu乐鱼(中国)官方网站机电工程学院庆祝建党100周年“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号

4. 2021年校首届教师板书设计比赛优秀奖

5. 2020年机电工程学院“我最喜爱的老师”称号

6. 2020年校级课程思政示范课讲课比赛二等奖

7. 2020年“本科课堂教学质量优秀奖”二等奖

8. 2019年“本科课堂教学质量优秀奖”二等奖


1. 期刊审稿人

担任Journal of Applied Physics、Materials Characterization、Journal of Materials Research、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Soldering & Surface Mount Technology、Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics审稿人

2. 基金项目评审人








1. W.Y. Li, J. Gui, H.B. Qin*, D.G. Yang, Shear performance of microscale ball grid array structure Cu(Ni)/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu(Ni) solder joints at low temperatures, Materials Today Communications, 2022, 20, 103149. (SCI收录)

2. X.M. Li, J. Wang, J.Y. Liang, W.Y. Li*, H.B. Qin*, Weakened strengthening effect in the Ag added microscale SnBi joints under current stressing, Materials Letters, 2022, 312, 131677.

3. B. Wang, W.Y. Li*, K.L. Pan*, Abnormal shear performance of microscale ball grid array structure Cu/Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu/Cu solder joints with increasing current density, Crystals, 2022, 12, 85. (SCI收录)

4. B. Wang, W.Y. Li*, K.L. Pan*, Shear performance of microscale ball grid array structure Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder joints with different surface finish combinations under electro–thermo–mechanical coupled loads, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-021-07682-9 (SCI收录)

5. 李望云, 李兴民, 汪健, 梁泾洋, 秦红波*. 电-热-力耦合载荷下非均质Cu/Sn-58Bi/Cu微焊点拉伸力学性能研究, 机械工程学报, 2022, 已录用. (EI收录)

6. H.B. Qin, C.Y. Lei, X.H. Luan, Q.Z. Wen, W.Y. Li*, Influence of microstructure evolution on the current density and temperature gradient of line-type Cu/Sn58Bi/Cu microscale solder joint under current stressing, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2022, 51(3): 1116-1127. (SCI收录)

7. H.B. Qin*,W. Qin, W.Y. Li, X. Long*, Influence of phase inhomogeneity on the mechanical behavior of microscale Cu/Sn–58Bi/Cu solder joints, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-021-07289-0 (SCI收录)

8. J. Gui, X.M. Li, J. Wang, W.Y. Li*, H.B. Qin*, Size effect on tensile performance of microscale Cu/Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu joints at low temperatures, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32: 28454–28467. (SCI收录)

9. H.B. Qin*, T.H. Liu, W.Y. Li*, W. Yue, D.G. Yang, Influence of microstructure inhomogeneity on the current density and temperature gradient in microscale line-type Sn58Bi solder joints under current stressing, Microelectronics Reliability, 2020, 115: 113995. (SCI收录)

10. H.B. Qin*, T.F. Kuang, X.H. Luan, W.Y. Li, J. Xiao, P. Zhang*, D.G. Yang, G.Q. Zhang, Influence of pressure on the mechanical and electronic properties of wurtzite and zinc-blende GaN crystals, Crystals, 2018, 8: 428. (SCI收录)

11. W.Y. Li, X.P. Zhang*, H.B. Qin, Y.-W. Mai, Joule heating dominated fracture behavior change in micro-scale Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu(Ni) joints under electro-thermal coupled loads, Microelectronics Reliability, 2018, 82: 224-227. (SCI收录)

12. W.Y. Li, S.S. Cao, X.P. Zhang*, A novel and facile synthesis of nano SnO2 with various morphologies by electric current stressing, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2018, 9: 2647-2651. (SCI收录)

13. W.Y. Li, H. Jin, W. Yue, M.Y. Tan, X.P. Zhang*, Creep behavior of micro-scale Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints under electro-thermo-mechanical coupled loads, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2016, 27(12), 13022-13033. (SCI收录)

14. H.B. Qin, W.Y. Li, M.B. Zhou, X.P. Zhang*, Low cycle fatigue performance of ball grid array structure Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu solder joints, Microelectronics Reliability, 2014, 54(12):2911-2921. (SCI收录)

15. H.B. Qin*, T.F. Kuang, X.H. Luan, W.Y. Li, J. Xiao, P. Zhang*, D.G. Yang, G.Q. Zhang, Influence of pressure on the mechanical and electronic properties of wurtzite and zinc-blende GaN crystals , Crystals, 2018, 8: 428-443. (SCI收录)

16. 李望云, 秦红波, 周敏波, 张新平*, 电-力耦合作用下Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu微焊点的拉伸力学性能和断裂行为, 机械工程学报, 2016, 52(10): 46-53. (EI收录)

17. 秦红波, 李望云, 李勋平, 张新平*, BGA结构无铅微焊点的低周疲劳行为研究, 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(20): 54-62. (EI收录)

18. 李望云, 尹立孟*, 位松, 许章亮, 无铅微电子封装互连焊点中的尺寸效应研究. 重庆科技学院学报, 2011, 13(6): 130-133.

19. 尹立孟*, 李望云, 位松, 许章亮, 焊点尺寸对微焊点拉伸断裂强度的影响. 电子元件与材料, 2011, 30(9): 57-60.

20. 尹立孟*, 位松, 李望云, 电子封装用低银含量无铅钎料的研究和应用进展. 焊接技术, 2011, 40(2), 1-6.

21. 位松, 许章亮, 李望云, 李欣霖, 尹立孟*, 典型添加元素对Sn-Zn系钎料性能的影响. 重庆科技学院学报, 2011, 13(2): 93-95.

22. 位松, 尹立孟*, 许章亮, 李欣霖, 李望云, 锡基钎料与铜界面IMC的研究进展. 电子元件与材料, 2012, 31(1): 73-77.


1. L.H. Jiang, T.H. Liu, S.L. He, H.B. Qin*, W.Y. Li, D.G. Yang, Adsorption behavior of HCOOH on the crystal surfaces of Cu(111) and (100), 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9567947 (EI收录)

2. J.Q. Tang, T.H. Liu, C. Ding, J. Wang, H.B. Qin*, W.Y. Li. Effect of IMC morphology on the current density and temperature gradient of line-type Cu/Sn/Cu solder joint, 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9568011 (EI收录)

3. J.Y. Li, W.Y. Li, D.G. Yang*, Y.K. Qin, S.C. Cao, F.X. Liu, Optical performance analysis of UVC-LED package structure based on ray-tracing simulation, 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9568171 (EI收录)

4. G.S. Lu, D.G. Yang*, W.Y. Li, X.Y. Wang, X.L. Wei, B.J. Ai, Study on leadframe overflow prevention of soldering paste using fluid-structure coupling analysis, 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9568000 (EI收录)

5. X.L. Wei, D.G. Yang*, W.Y. Li, X.Y. Wang, G.S. Lu, S.R. Xue, Research on thermal characteristics of high power 3D microchannel multichip package, 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9568240 (EI收录)

6. Y.H. Bi, S.L. He*, W.Y. Li*, D.G. Yang, H. Nishikawa, Wettability improvement of solder in fluxless soldering under formic acid atmosphere, 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9568105 (EI收录)

7. S.C. Cao, D.G. Yang, W.Y. Li*, X.Y. Wang, S.R. Xue, Z.F. Yun, Study on Gold Wire Sweep in Cantilever Chip-Stacked Package during Molding Process, 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9568050 (EI收录)

8. C.Y. Lei, X.H. Luan, Z.G. Liu, H.B. Qin*, B. Hou*, W.Y. Li. The mechanical and physical properties of the phases in the microstructure of Sn- Bi solder alloy, 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xiamen, China, 11-15 Aug, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT52650.2021.9568050 (EI收录)

9. J. Gui, X.M. Li, W.Y. Li*, H.D. Yan, H.B. Qin, J.Q. Huang, D.G. Yang, Shear performance of BGA structure Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu solder joints after deep cryogenic treatment with different time, 21th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Guangzhou, China, 11-15 Aug, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.9202647 (EI收录)

10. X.M. Li, J. Gui, W.Y. Li*, H.D. Yan, H.B. Qin, J.Q. Huang, D.G. Yang, Tensile performance of line-type microscale Cu/Sn-58Bi/Cu joints under electro-thermo-mechanical coupled loads, 21th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Guangzhou, China, 11-15 Aug, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.9202518 (EI收录)

11. P.J. Liang, H.D. Yan*, W.Y. Li, D.G. Yang, Void eliminating process of sintered-silver die attachment in anaerobic-sintering atmospheres, 21th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Guangzhou, China, 11-15 Aug, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.9202689 (EI收录)

12. W. Qin, T.F. Kuang, C. Ding, C.Y. Lei, W.Y. Li, H.B. Qin*, Research on the anisotropic mechanical behavior of microscale Sn58Bi solder matrix via finite element simulation, 21th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Guangzhou, China, 11-15 Aug, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.9202950 (EI收录)

13. W.Y. Li*, G.Q. Peng, T.X. Cheng, H.B. Qin, J.Q. Huang, D.G. Yang, Shear performance of microscale BGA structure Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints with shrinking volume at low and cryogenic temperatures, 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Hongkong, China, 11-15 Aug, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT47577.2019.245195 (EI收录)

14. T.F. Kuang, H.B. Qin*, W.Y. Li**, D.G. Yang, Anisotropic mechanical characteristics of Cu6Sn5 micro-cantilever under bending load, 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Hongkong, China, 11-15 Aug, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT47577.2019.245279 (EI收录)

15. Q.Z. Wen, L.Guo, H.B. Qin*, W.Y. Li, D.G. Yang, The influence of phase inhomogeneity on the current density and temperature gradient in Cu/Sn58Bi/Cu solder joint, 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Hongkong, China, 11-15 Aug, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT47577.2019.245309 (EI收录)

16. X.Y. Wang, D.G. Yang*, Y.S. Fan, W.Y. Li, Analysis of temperature response characteristics of voltage RMS sensor packaging based on diode, 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Hongkong, China, 11-15 Aug, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT47577.2019.245123 (EI收录)

17. W.Y. Li, X.P. Zhang*, Low and cryogenic temperature mechanical performance and fracture behavior of micro-scale Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints with the decreasing dimension, 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Shanghai, China, 8-11 Aug, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT.2018.8480659 (EI收录)

18. W.Y. Li, M.B. Zhou, X.P. Zhang*, Abnormal creep behavior of micro-scale Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints with different joint thicknesses under electro-thermo-mechanical coupled loads, 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Harbin, China, 16-19 Aug, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT.2017.8046751 (EI收录)

19. W.Y. Li, S.S. Cao, X.P. Zhang*, Size effect on creep deformation and fracture behavior of micro-scale Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu solder joints, 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Wuhan, China, 16-19 Aug, 2016, 860-864. (EI收录)

20. W.Y. Li, S.S. Cao, X.P. Zhang*, Creep deformation and fracture behavior of micro-scale Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints under electro-thermo-mechanical coupled loads, 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Wuhan, China, 16-19 Aug, 2016, 988-993. (EI收录)

21. W.Y. Li, M.B. Zhou, X.P. Zhang*, Creep behavior of Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu solder joints under tensile stress coupled with DC current stressing, 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Changsha, China, 11-14 Aug, 2015, 187-192. (EI收录)

22. W.Y. Li, H.B. Qin, M.B. Zhou, X.P. Zhang*, The influence of imposed electric current on the tensile fracture behavior of micro-scale Cu/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu solder joints, 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Chengdu, China, 12-15 Aug, 2014, 1030-1034. (EI收录)

23. J.Q. Huang, M.B. Zhou, W.Y. Li, X.P. Zhang*, Size effect on the interfacial reactions and microstructural evolution of Cu/Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu-ball/Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu-paste/Cu joints in flip-chip on BGA packaging, 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Wuhan, China, 16-19 Aug, 2016, 1010-1014. (EI收录)

24. J.Q. Huang, M.B. Zhou, W.Y. Li, X.P. Zhang*, Interfacial reactions and formation of inter metallic compound of Sn-ball/Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-paste/Cu joints in flip-chip on BGA packaging, 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Changsha, China, 11-14 Aug, 2015, 307-311. (EI收录)

25. L.M. Yin*, W.Y. Li, S. Wei, Z.L. Xu, Size and volume effects in microscale solder joint of electronic packaging. 12th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, Shanghai, China, 8-11 Aug, 2011, 832-834. (EI收录)

26. 秦红波, 宇文惠惠, 李望云, 张新平*, TSV结构微凸点互连热疲劳寿命的研究, 2013中国力学大会(“先进电子封装技术中的力学问题”主题分会), 2013年8月19-21日, 西安, A31-0842.


1. 李望云, 李兴民, 位松, 秦红波, 黄家强, 刘东静, 一种电流作用下微焊点极限冷热循环冲击可靠性测试装置, 实用新型专利, 申请号: 202122731908.8, 申请日期: 2021年11月09日

2. 李望云, 李兴民, 位松, 秦红波, 黄家强, 刘东静, 一种微焊点在电-热-力-磁耦合场作用下的可靠性实验装置, 实用新型专利, 申请号: 202122585374.2, 申请日期: 2021年10月26日

3. 李望云, 郑增煌, 位松, 秦红波, 黄家强, 刘东静, 一种用于存储制备镓基热界面材料原料的固液两相分离胶囊, 实用新型专利, ZL202122564678.0, 申请日期: 2021年10月25日

4. 李望云, 桂俊, 位松, 秦红波, 黄家强, 刘东静, 一种用于储存液氮罐的连通供液装置, 实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL202122571732.4, 申请日期: 2021年10月25日

5. 李望云, 李兴民, 位松, 秦红波, 黄家强, 刘东静, 一种薄膜材料通电下热膨胀系数测试装置及测试方法, 发明专利, 申请号: 202111239076.6, 申请日期: 2021年10月25日

6. 李望云, 刘林强, 位松, 秦红波, 黄家强, 刘东静, 一种电流作用下损耗因子测试装置及测试方法, 发明专利, 申请号: 202111113073.8, 申请日期: 2021年9月23日

7. 秦红波, 丁超, 李望云, 黄家强, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种焊点高度可调的线型焊点制备夹具, 中国实用新型专利, ZL202022373196.2, 授权日: 2021年6月29日

8. 秦红波, 丁超, 刘天寒, 秦薇, 雷楚宜, 李望云, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种可调焊缝间隙的钎焊夹具, 中国实用新型专利, ZL202022373226.X, 授权日: 2021年6月29日

9. 秦红波, 秦薇, 岳武, 李望云, 黄家强, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种方波脉冲发生器, 中国实用新型专利, ZL202023121076.X, 授权日: 2021年10月8日

10. 秦红波, 秦薇, 岳武, 李望云, 黄家强, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种微焊点蠕变寿命测试装置, 中国实用新型专利, ZL202022338122.5, 授权日: 2021年6月29日

11. 秦红波, 雷楚宜, 黄家强, 李望云, 刘天寒, 丁超, 秦薇, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种微焊点电迁移测试结构及制备夹具, 中国实用新型专利, ZL202021857785.1, 授权日: 2021年3月26日

12. 秦红波, 雷楚宜, 岳武, 丁超, 秦薇, 李望云, 黄家强, 蔡苗, 张国旗, 一种基于珀尔帖效应的微焊点热迁移装置, 实用新型专利, ZL202021857785.1, 授权日: 2021年10月22日

13. 秦红波, 秦薇, 岳武, 李望云, 黄家强, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种微焊点力学性能测试装置, 中国实用新型专利, ZL202023119823.6, 授权日: 2021年11月9日

14. 秦红波, 雷楚宜, 黄家强, 李望云, 刘天寒, 丁超, 秦薇, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种微焊点电迁移测试结构、制备夹具及制备方法, 中国发明专利, 专利申请号: 202010897260.9, 申请日期: 2020年8月31日

15. 秦红波, 秦薇, 岳武, 李望云, 黄家强, 蔡苗, 杨道国, 张国旗, 一种微焊点蠕变寿命测试装置及使用方法, 中国发明专利, 专利申请号: 202011123233.2, 申请日期: 2020年10月20日

16. 秦红波, 雷楚宜, 岳武, 丁超, 秦薇, 李望云, 黄家强, 蔡苗, 张国旗, 一种基于珀尔帖效应的微焊点热迁移装置及其测试方法, 发明专利, 申请号: 202011369727.9, 申请日: 2020年11月30日

17. 蔡苗, 王希有, 杨道国, 李望云, 张国旗, 插座和插头, 中国实用新型专利, ZL201921239613.5.

18. 蔡苗, 王希有, 杨道国, 李望云, 张国旗, 插座、插头和插座的控制方法, 中国发明专利, 申请号: 201910710142.X, 申请日: 2019年8月2日

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1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51805103,2019.01-2021.12,27万元,主持。

2. 广西自然科学基金科技基地和人才专项,桂科AD18281021,2018.12-2021.11,18万元,主持。

3. 广西自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2018GXNSFBA281065,2019.01-2021.12,10万元,主持。

4. 广西制造系统与先进制造技术重点实验室2019年度主任课题,19-050-44-003Z,2019.09 -2021.08,3万元,主持。

5. 电子信息材料与器件教育部工程研究中心2020年一般项目,EIMD-AB202005,2020.10 -2022.09,2万元,主持。

6. 广西创新驱动发展专项,桂科AA21077015,2021.04-2024.03,500万元,排名第七。

7. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,51967005,2020.01-2023.12,39万元,排名第三。

8. 广西自然科学基金面上项目,2018GXNSFAA281222,2019.01-2021.12,12万元,排名第三。

9. 广西自然科学基金面上项目,2018GXNSFAA294082,2019.01-2020.12,10万元,排名第二。

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51775195,2018.01-2021.12,62万元,排名第六。
