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Welcome to National University of Battambang
Your Career Starts With Us.

National University of Battambang is a biggest state University in Northwest of Cambodia. NUBB’s goal is to educate the leaders of tomorrow in a wide range of fields through a balance of theory and practice, and the integration of real world experiences into academic education.

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The Largest University's Nation in northwest of Cambodia

The university has a large and beautiful campus on an area of 11 hectares. There are modern infrastructures and facilities that serve the research of students and scholars.


STEM Building


Agricultural Research and Training Center

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Latest News

Visiting of Erasmus+ INOWASIA Project consortium to NUBB research lab facilities


Our INOWASIA Project consortium to NUBB research lab facilities including Water oriented Living Lab (WoLL)

The Public Speaking Contest and Debate Forum 2023


On the morning of Thursday October 26, 2023 Department of English of the Institute of Foreign Languages organized the Public Speaking Contest and Debate Forum 2023-Rector’s Awards: Excellence in

Two Korean Literature Students Win 1st and 2nd Place in Korean Speech Contest


The Department of Korean of the Institute of Foreign Languages would like to congratulate Miss. Yoeurn Chanthou and Mr. Suon Sokhat on winning the 1st and 2nd place in the 3rd Korean Speech Contest of

National University of Battambang organizes a capacity-building workshop on 21st-century teaching skills


The Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Education of the National University of Battambang has organized a 21st Century Teaching Skills Training Program in the 21st Teach Skills Teacher Training

Testimonials for Master of Business Administration in Digital Business Management in NUBB


On June 9th, 2023 National University of Battambang (NUBB) has organized the Information Day which is supported by Erasmus+ CBHE project Industry 4.0. The event was presided over by Mr. Neavea TEP, Vice

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